The WebSite Devoted to all things Gastronomical and the Study of the Effects of said Cuisine in tandem with the Universe, Humanity and the Lord Almighty. *Quantum Physics are the stuff ,dreams are made of. * JB *We should all look to our roots for the knowledge to grow from.* JB

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Reiki and Panna Cotta , Not Tonight!

Well i am really shocked that it almost Feb.. This is pretty crazy; it's game month at the Broad Arrow Tavern , and that means that we will piggy back what MDR (Maine Dining Room), runs for their menu, on our nightly chef's specials. This is cool because we will be getting some very cool new meats in to play with. I might even get to saute' a quail and smother it in rose petal sauce.. Hmmm
Really though I can't believe how fast Jan. just shot by me...
I mean really 2006' pace is really picking up fast. I already booked the 5th in March and were just starting Feb. Wow.
I have just signed up to my first 5 kilometer road race( MArch Date) and I have started training already , running and lifting. I feeel GreaaaT! Roar!
I'm inspired by two people at work; my boss, Alan, who runs his ass off training for all sort of triathalons, and road races through out the year, and this really lovely server named Kathryn V. Who is really just a modern day muse. No Kidding.. She's a work of Art when she smiles and how could you not run for her, especially when it's for a charity.
Well anyway that's the really new stuff. I have met a Reikki Teacher who invited me to channel with her at some classes. Very Cool . Down in portland in a few months.
The Freeport Brewing Company is looking very strong.. Kenny Collings ( owner) has shown me his humble operation and has imparted some information that he has learned about brewing.. Verk Interesting Feild Trip. He will be starting out a New Chocolate Stout Soon ... Looking forward I have asked him to think about a high caliber and Dark " Burden's Bitter Burden, lager. He has not given me an exact answer about this yet.. I'll keep on pressing.

P.S. I will be training more Reikki from ME. Feel The Love. JAmes


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